Monday, March 25, 2013

Guess who's back?

Well, after a 6 year hiatus (which translates loosely and yet quite accurately to "laziness"), I'm back. I mean, it's not like this blog is going to fill up with mindless drivel by itself and let's face it... you're reading this either because you're equally cynical about the world we live in, or you've got more time than you know what to do with (getting a job/exercising/getting away from the computer would be a decent starting point for those in the latter group).

I'm going to try to update this weekly with something I read or experienced during the week that, quite frankly, either surprises or annoys the hell out of me. Why? Because in the past 6 years, the emergence of microblogging has slowly but steadily eroded our collective will to write anything exceeding 140 characters. Thanks Twitter! Microblogging undoubtedly remains a useful medium for those blogging on the go and while I won't deny its intuitiveness and subsequent mass appeal, it is somewhat frightening ridiculously frightening how much "pointless babble" goes on in the microblog universe. Hey, if there's going to be pointless babbling going on, I'm going to do my part and ensure it gets the proper verbiage it deserves.

That said, let the blogging begin.


Unknown said...

Is this professional entertainment - I mean, are we allowed to make requests?

Justin said...

All requests will be considered! Always need a good discussion topic!