Monday, April 1, 2013

Is this some sort of sick joke?

No ranting today, because today is a special day. It's a shame April Fools' Day only comes around once a year, just like every other day of the year, because it's the one day where people are united around the world in pulling off impractical dumb shit in the name of having fun... and that, we know, is a horrible thing to have. You know how it works, you pull off a seemingly dumb prank and soon find yourself surrounded by people who tell you you should stop wasting your time, stop being unproductive, etc. Well the joke's on them (I'm brilliant with bad puns). By and large, the planning, creativity and execution of even the most simple pranks often goes under appreciated. People fail to recognize the amount of improvisation needed to steer a failing plan into a successful one, and nerves of steel to follow through without breaking character or without letting on in the slightest way. The brightest people I know tend to be practitioners of this lost art...

To be honest, that's not really the reason April Fools' day is one of my favorite non-holiday holidays. For me, today is the one day out of the year, where all the unremarkable things I mess up on can be followed with "oh man... gotcha! April Fool's!"

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