Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I'mma bag me some bad guys

Got an email today from a friend who found some fairly interesting news.

It's no secret that the President of the University of Utah (Michael Young) has been trying to keep weapons off his campus since he took the reins a few years back. For the most part it has been a losing battle. The inhabitants of Utah have stuck to their guns, and for the time being, concealed weapons will make their way to the Utah campus.

No disrespect to those at Va. Tech (families of victims have my condolences), but shootings don't just happen on campus that often. Rather than putting a minuscule amount of effort into prevention, the happy go lucky gun-toting community would like us all to believe that concealed weapons are the answer. Sorry, I'm not the least bit convinced.

I understand though. If packing some heat will make some insecure people feel a little safer at the expense of everyone else around them, then hell, who's to stop them? In fact, I almost feel sorry for the contingency of people who seem to live in a state of perpetual fear. It must be horrible for Brent Tenney (pictured) to wake up every day and consciously realize that "hey, I might get shot up at school." Clearly such psychological pain can only be dulled with the thought of using his 9mm to wound/kill the assailant. Brent says that "it's not that I run around scared all day long, but if something happens to me, I do want to be prepared." Sure thing boy scout, you keep telling yourself that.

Maybe we shouldn't expect more especially when your state Senator (Michael Waddoups) tells you that "if government can't protect you, you should have the right to protect yourself." No senator, bad senator. The vigilante justice system is severely antiquated... welcome to the 21st century.

One last thing made for a good laugh, courtesy of Utah state representative Curt Oda:

"Oda said banning guns on campus might do more harm than good. He said people bent on violence might resort to other, perhaps bloodier methods, such as swords.

'A person that's got skill with a sword in a very big crowd could put a lot more people down with a sword than a gun,' he said. 'They're silent. You'll have people screaming, but nobody knows what's going on.'"

Mmmhmmm... it looks like somebody has been watching a little too much Star Wars.

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